Massage Detail

Oil Massage

Relaxation combined with the aroma of essential oils extracted from natural plants and the volcanic hot stones to help relax the mind and stimulate the work of various body systems.


An aromatherapy oil massage is a must as it smells very effective. which has questions about the essence of mind and emotions

Thai Massage

Relaxation combined with the aroma of essential oils extracted from natural plants and the volcanic hot stones to help relax the mind and stimulate the work of various body systems.


An aromatherapy oil massage is a must as it smells very effective. which has questions about the essence of mind and emotions

Foot Massage

 Build immunity against diseases that make you look younger. This may take more time. to prevent paralysis – paralysis It means what hormones are there to give the mango and the algae and the algae the bone-building compounds and the algae, that is, to help restore and glow. have a stronger physical health

Coconut Oil Massage

Help slow down the aging of the skin. Helps make the skin firm and elastic. Rejuvenate the skin from the skin after being exposed to the sun very well, helping to relax the whole mind. The body stimulates the functioning of the nervous system. Reduces stress and helps to sleep comfortably through the night. Because the body is calm, relaxed and refreshed after waking up.

Hot Stone Massage

Stone massage is a form of massage therapy with alternative medicine and exercise. Remember to place hot or cold stones on your body for the purpose of pain relief, relaxation and will help.

Coconut Oil With Hot Stone Massage

Helps to relax muscles and demand

Reduces stress and anxiety promote sleep

Contributes to reducing cancer symptoms

Deep Tissue Massage

It is a massage that focuses on kneading techniques, rolling lines and pressing rather deep than other types of massage to affect deep muscles, tendons and fascia that have been stiff for a long time.

Remedial Massage

Acupressure massage, ball muscle massage Reflexology, etc. Massage weights are medium to heavy.